The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Did ya do any active service back in the day??

I had 4 pints of heineken with the lad that did the Manchester Bomb a few years back in
The reason I remembered it was 4 pints was because the fourth was my round and couldnt wait to get the fuck away🤣 He kept banging on about the Sunday World calling him a monster etc but his opinion was no one got killed,so fuck them.2 special branch Rozzers in the pub watching and following him.
That was an interesting encounter.


What would you have done if he jumped up on your back?


Pull him off of course


Mary Lou announcing a united Ireland was within touching distance was definitely an incendiary (pardon the pun) comment. It’s hard to get grassroot unionists to buy-in when she’s rubbing their faces in it before the ink is dry on the paper. The DUP wouldn’t think twice about walking away, if their own survival is at stake.

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Thought the same but it was a nice dig all the same. Another little defeat for them.

The '74 explosion or the one in '96?

I’d say they’ve bigger worries right now

Tom Barry there with a big head on him and nobody would stand next to him.

I feel that you’re a bit misty eyed about your old ‘comrades’ while running down the latter day equivalents. The IRA always had plenty of nasty fuckers and psychopaths/criminals in its ranks

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A county man of yours.

Well I wouldn’t be on here telling ya😊
Arrested on a membership charge in Dundalk back in the day
No charges ever stuck thankfully,
Bro and another few Cork mates similar in Drogheda,and up along,

Etc etc
Lots of friends including 4 Cork mates done,
I was a good boy​:ok_hand::ok_hand:


Bad sign when he’s trying to score points off it in a Westport bar nearly three decades later.


Not at all misty eyed
Pragmatism rules,
Good n bad in every army
Or group of men,
I only met one guy I’d class as a looper
( originally a Limerick man from Glin ,
Youngest O/C of Fermanagh/S Tyrone
Now based in Ballyshannon)

His boast to me one night in Fermanagh was
“ Serbs think they invented ethnic cleansing”:roll_eyes:

Not a hope
Any time we hit a UDR man or part time cop or whatever,
We would bypass a Catholic cop/ soldiers house / cottage to get at the Protestant

Tom Barry and Tom K and their men
Were ruthless, honest, God fearing
Decent Irish republicans
Who knew freedom wasn’t gained in the pub, debating halls etc
But out in the shite and amongst it,
Kidnapping, extortion, torture, execution whatever,
Ruthless men for a ruthless job,
No romance there my bucko.


I think ML and MON should have kept their snouts clean
Powder dry etc until the institutions were up and running properly,
V fuckin naively done,
Doesent suit nationalists this triumphalist shite.

Thats not all he said.He told me to go Google his name in relation to another huge story a year or 2 after that incident.
I did and he was the real deal.

Im not saying anything else.:rofl:

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Does them no favours when they’re trying to get a vote across the line.

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They couldn’t bloody help themselves

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Not doubting the claim really, only the standard of his character.

The earlier Manchester bomb I referred to was attributed to a family from Donegal also. Two sisters did jail time, and three male relatives came back from Manchester with three lovely businesses waiting for them.


Almost like she doesn’t want an agreement.

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Yup. They were really the only winners all along.

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