The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Palace was jammers at half four in the day yesterday pal. What a great city for pints.

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Tits Magee

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All the vermon have headed down to Newton mount Kennedy

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I saw your man in the pink costume about 3pm and he was ON IT.

Someone tell @Fuck_off_AFR_smelly_ to go pick up his aul wan

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The knuckleduster :grimacing:

The cunt holding the phone really does deserve the most horrible death imaginable.

Jesus, thats a tough watch

Did some twat say “Heil Hitler” in the middle of that.

Reports the victim is a Canadian tourist and is in a bad way. Time another McEntee walk around.

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Your wonder how anyone would raise a family in Dublin at this stage

All i can think of is Colin Farrells character in ‘in bruges’ thats for John Lennon

Is it even summer until they’re fighting on Burrow Beach

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Fookin fodereners

A sure sign of the death of local nightclubs. No where else to fight