The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Canadian tourist attacked last week has died.

Thatā€™s fucked.

Given the nationality of the accused you imagine the far right are going to be shouting very loudly on this one.

But but but Helen told us all Dublin city was safe

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When exactly was Dublin ever ā€œsafeā€?

When exactly was anywhere ever ā€œsafeā€?

Funny how none of the headbangers ever answer this. Wouldnā€™t suit their narrative, would it?

Grab your hats and cameras lads - weā€™re going for a walk

I never said, or thought, Dublin was safe.

Take it up with the minister for justice

Pity for the attacker the victim wound up being a tourist. He might get jail for it now


She even took off most of her jewellry before that Iā€™ll advised walkabout

The clear implication from the headbangers objecting to Helen McEntee saying Dublin is safe is that there was a previous time when it was safe.

The entire premise of the argument is that the headbangers claim we can ā€œreturnā€ to an unspecified previous time when Dublin was ā€œsafeā€.

They never state when exactly that time was. Because to do that would be to expose the argument as the bullshit it is.

Aeroplanes are ā€œsafeā€. That doesnā€™t mean that nobody ever dies as a result of an aeroplane crashing.

Dublin is a safe city by any sane reading of things. That doesnā€™t mean people donā€™t get attacked, or murdered. Itā€™s not an argument to ignore crime.

The main threat comes from the very cohort who most claim it is unsafe. The people who most insist on preaching idiotic crude reductionism and hatred towards others based on their non-chosen characteristics.


Like I said, save you diatribes for McEntee. I have zero interest in your ramblings

Not sure why you think anybody should have any interest in your ignorant, crudely reductionist diatribes.

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Tremendous constructive argument

I moved to Dublin in 2014 and moved out of it in 2023. It went downhill a lot in that time (I like to think I wasnā€™t the cause of that). Certainly feels a lot less safe now.

Seems to be a crazy acceptance of crime there now. Just an acceptance of drug dealing in broad daylight, public urination, etc. Gone very grubby looking.

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Yep, Dublin is very grubby looking nowadays. Loads of litter about and plenty of areas which are obviously never cleaned. The latest tidy towns thingy said Dublin city centre remained an issue.

I walked from Drury St (lovely, good buzz, loads of independent cafes etc busy) onto Camden street (filthy, empty with most places closed until the evening) in the space of 5 mins the other day at around 10.30 amā€¦a tale of two cities indeed


Hereā€™s a genuine question. Is Dublin less safe now than it was 20 years ago?
That is the impression I get, but thatā€™s from the media as anytime Iā€™m in it itā€™s been grand.

A decent police presence around Milan and Bergamo on a quick visit. Not much anti social behaviour on display either. The police look fairly menacing, i dont get the impression youā€™d fuck around with them, the gun being the obvious deterrent.

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I lived in Dublin for a decade in the mid noughties onwards and Iā€™d definitely consider it less safe nowā€¦but I only dip in and out of there now so maybe just less tolerant of the mess it is