The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Yeah your man kicking his head bends down towards the end and throws something away. Can’t see a knife though

Windmilling aul fanny slaps.

It’s a knife or a screwdriver

Hard to see what it is.

What a kip of a city. I’ll hopefully never have to set foot in it for a job again.

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I don’t think it’s safe for working class people from Moyross, Southill and other Limerick estates to head to Dublin on Saturday week.


Baldy pulled a blade. He got what was he deserved for that shit. Anyone would go mental


Explain that one kid

A lot of scumbags wear dublin jerseys on a daily basis

The tall guy fighting outside the GPO moves like Frankenstein. Nasty shit going on need more guards on the streets put an end to this shit.

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Why are these Muldoon travellers coming to Dublin to fight?

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Free travel passes

They arranged it on a travellers forum.

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There’s more guards in dublin than anywhere else in the country.

Not sure whats going on in the first video, the dublin gaa fan might have had a weapon, but in the second one they should be let off.if they want to fight, let them at it

They got thrun out of Canada for wanking into socks

Not outside the fucking gpo mate

I disagree, fair enough you cant have people put in danger but if there isn’t its a waste of time involving police. Its legal in canada for example, if me and you both want to fight it out, away we go. Police don’t intervene.

The real issue is the total failure of people in dublin to raise children properly. But, yet again, lets blame the gubmint for doin nuhin


There might be more guards but they must be either they are not visible on the street. You rarely see any patrols on o’connell street. There should be a visible presence on the street it might stop some of this shite.

The baldy lad getting the head kicked off him is wearing a Man city jersey, could it be a TFK poster?

@Bandage is doing a fine job of raising the young lad.

It’s against the law here though. It’s not Canada.

It’s on a main thoroughfare, in broad daylight, with kids, old people and more importantly tourists around the place.

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