The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

That first video is sickening. Train full of fucking goms watching it then & nobody doing nothing

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He has the exit strategy already in place

One of them had a knife

Look again.

Fair enough there should be a stronger presence in tourist hotspots like the Guinness brewery and am… Fuck all guards is another little present the blue shirts gave the country

Are you still living in west Dublin?

Would you have intervened pal?


Pink jersey fella claims he didn’t , there is something there all right . Need proper security patrols on the Luas

Strangely irrelevant question to the debate. If you can’t debate the points fanta pants save your breath for cooling your coddle


The security on the luas is off the chain. Need proper prisons more like

Just asking mate, no need to be so defensive. So are you still living in west Dublin?

I’d like to think I Would have pushed him off ya. Wouldn’t be recording it for Twitter that’s for sure

Bizarre, nothing to do with the debate, you might not be long living in ireland but we have a history of strong debate here. Try and act local

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Why are you being evasive? Are you still living in west Dublin?

I just don’t understand the obsession with people recording incidents like this on their phone. Fair enough if you don’t want to intervene and possibly get a slap yourself but deciding “right, I’ll whip out the phone and send this on to the lads” is just bizarre in my opinion.

Like those lads after the truck mowed down the people in Nice the other year and recorded all the dead bodies strewn on the ground. Wtf?


Hopefully the footage might help capture and convict the scumbag who was stomping on the head.

Its a disgusting way of thinking. You’d have to be seriously concerned about it tbh @dodgy_keeper

Go on, elaborate on this one for the laugh

Keep your snout out of this.


Elaborate? are you simple?

That’s a rhetorical question

Camera’s are a problem. Cunts taking videos on stags is another one. Just not on

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