The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I’m from Fingal mate

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I’m from the number one city on that list

I always thank the bus driver.

So do I. It’s a little tradition of mine.


It’s shameful not to thank the bus driver

didn’t think you were the public transport type

Lack of breeding

We were always taught to thank the driver of the number 2

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They must have been out of their their heads when they came up with that FFS Dublin’s like a little London totally impersonal

Dublin is a lovely place to live.

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I’ll take your word for it👍buddy who follows Pats and when we’re up in the smoke we visit him and most of the pats fans I’ve met over the years are gents, but as for living there naw,lived in London and I’d enough of everyone too busy with their own lives etc,me feiners

Fuck the Chinese and Indians

That “survey” sounds leading

Is Dublin beautiful? Is it safe? Is it run by well-respected leaders? Does it have adequate transport and communications infrastructure and good public services?


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I spoken to a qs whose company did regeneration work in some of the less salubrious areas of Limerick and paying the gangs protection money was common.

Ah you’d expect it in Limerick.

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In some cases they had to pay two rival gangs.

The Murphia