The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

As if you’ve ever been to Granada.


bla bla bla

Did you move to Spain recently?

At least we are not Paris

There is nothing like throwing up a Top 50 list on a Friday morning which includes Dublin in a positive manner to get lads hopping like sausages in a pan. I’ve probably ruined a few lads Bank Holiday weekends. They will be seething on their drive home from Dublin.


It has really taken the shine off Galway’s Top 10 award earlier in the week.

The image they’ve used for Dublin in that list: :laughing:

Where even is that, is it Malahide Castle?

Yes it is.

I’d say he’s literally listed out every place he’s ever been in his life there.

All more beautiful than Dublin though.

I’ve been in Paris twice this year and did not once notice a rat. New York, on the other hand…

Sure Limerick own Malahide Castle now

Yes but rats are much smaller than humans Fagan.

I enjoyed this read. I particularly liked the bit that started “you won’t be stuck for a school”. I can imagine legions of Irish Times readers sending their kids to St Laurence O Toole NS in Seville Place.

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€350k for a shitbox in the North Strand. Have we gone even more mental than the Celtic Tiger at this stage?

A three bed but they only show two rooms in the photos, one of which used to be the hot press by the looks of it

3 bedroom red brick.

3 bedrooms, two windows


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A guard got shot at the top of Ossory Road a few years ago. On the other hand if you like trains Ossory Road would be a great place to live.