The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

You’d wonder has that anything to do with people wanting to come to visit Dublin?

Colonialism has taken a terrible toll on these low achievers.

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Nothing sadder than a mucksavage defending dublin


There are plenty of sadder things.

Like defending Waterford

800 years of doffing their caps to the landlord like Florrie Knox would take a while to get out of the genes.

I’m just on the way home after spending a day as a tourist in Dublin for the first time in 6 years. It pissed rain all day and the thought of being there and not drinking would send shivers down the spine. However, as a place to spend a wet day drinking its hard to beat.


I was about 7th in line at red lights in North Strand this evening when some cunt on a motorbike whizzed up the middle of the road to try get to the front of the queue, slid off the bike and landed on the ground beside my car door. His fall and the bike banging off the ground made an unmerciful noise. I had to rush out of the car to ensure there was no damage to my vehicle. Dublin is a shithole.


There is definitely some correlation alright. Can you think of any tourist attractions knocked to build a hotel?

Was the car ok?

The lad with viking blood from an Anglo Saxon garrison town defending the pale. Quellle…

Which lights pal? The ones at the Five Lamps?

Next set after them as you’re going away from the city centre, little hump/hill over the canal before you come to that newish and out of place cafe on the left.

The claim is already gone in and your premium is about to leave the lower atmosphere

It’s a fucking kip. Dirty, junkie ridden cesspit with notions about itself.
Good town for drinking, but then so are most places

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I’m giving that a tentative “yes”. I didn’t notice any damage but it was dark and raining and I haven’t bothered to check since I got home. I’m waiting for morning to review. Some auld wan emerged from the car behind me and was roaring at yer man not to move and to wait for help. He sprung up, said he was grand and explained away his mishap by claiming the actual white line was slippy and he skidded on that. He showed no concern whatsoever for my car.


Dublin is an absolute cesspit you gimp.

Great to see today’s Northside motorcyclists showing the same stocism that their ancestors demonstrated during the Luftwaffe bombing of the North Strand in the 1940s.


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Driving ?

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