The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

@TheUlteriorMotive or other non-junkie dubs I’ll be landing in the city centre shortly. William St/Drury St area. Any recommendations for a place to go for a pint and something small to eat while watching the Liverpool game (assuming it’s on TV)

Hogans south great George’s st
The exchequer

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Half marks for you on this I’m afraid.
Still, made it just in time to see Origi work his magic

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He sent you to Georges St to watch a game of footy.
Oh dear

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Presume you’re staying in Drury Court hotel or whatever the one beside it is. Go into P.Macs on the way home to see how hipsters have evolved

You assumed wrong. Very few “pubs” in the area seem to have TVs. Which I suppose isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I’d assume its more to do with filtering the patrons (and the cost of Sky) as opposed to any great moral stance as to how a bar should be.

Dame tavern. Noble pint too.

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TVs slow down drinking as well as being expensive. You’d have been better heading for that pub on Camden St run by Daniel O’Donnells brother that I can’t remember the name of


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Oh don’t you worry, my inner roaster guided me to Camden St.

Thomas Street really has improved despite the presence of the junkies

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Was in that part of town a few years back and was in a rush to catch a Dublin-Kilkenny game, the only place reliable for a decent sized TV was The Exchequer. Wouldn’t be in any rush back.

The Clock is a great Liverpool pub on Thomas Street, surprised it’s not larger on TFK’s radar.

Go raibh math agat

I always preferred Baker’s across the road

Every pub in Ireland is a Liverpool pub

Ergo a shithole

Bakers is not great.

Kennedy’s up the street past Vicar St is a decent spot. Bring cash.

Actually @TreatyStones, Sinnotts would have been your best bet as there’s screens everywhere. Fairly sure they do grub in the evening too. It’s fuck all use to you now but sure you know it at least

Decent pint there alright. All those pubs are full of salt of the earth drinkers