The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Sinnotts is a really shit pub. Had a pint and food in the Exchequer and then ended up walking to Camden St and had two pints in Ryan’s.

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Was in Ryan’s at the weekend, has lost a lot of its charm I feel.

Bar the Celtic ones

Conviction no 213 but still out and about

A woman of convictions

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Country’s fucked

very disturbing twitter accounts there

racism is alive and well


I saw a black teenager physically assault a female companion of his in Dublin 1 on Monday evening. My workmate called the guards. None of us bothered to video or tweet about it.

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Never happened then

Lucky there was no white young fellas fighting in Dublin or anywhere else around the country.


Why did you feel the need to mention he was black?

The next war is already being fought by freedom fighters such as him and glas on t’internet.

Jesus lads, Dublin is ruined. @Loko_Cove come back, a little smoke never killed anyone.

Because the videos above were of predominantly young black men.

TBF it’s notoriously hard to tell how old they are.

@turenne stand up for your homies

Just as well there were plenty of Gardai around a street full of drunken/drugged up revellers or that could have escalated quickly.

They’re all at it FFS

Anger over the mi wadi/wine incident shows no sign of abating