The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Separate incident to the above.

If it’s the Red Cow this is on boggers.

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Dubs love Laurie Hartz. You wouldn’t find a roaster at that

This was Blanch on New Year’s

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Ah stop, you’re taking the piss now.

Club Diva gone rough enough.

Bring back June Rogers

Who wouldn’t want to go dancing during the Zulu dawn?


How many lads does it take to not stop a car?

Car is gonna win that one 99 times out of a 100.

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Hardly constitutes a ‘horrifying’ incident does it?

I haven’t looked

I’m reluctant to open @Copper_pipe videos after the one of the lad getting his head busted off the ground

Well,.you’re safe with this one.

He was dragged under the car for 15 to 20 yards. Thats horrific enough in my book

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Yup. I’ll not be looking

Not too horrifying from the safety of your keyboard anyway.

Same vantage point as yours bigrig

Maybe just desensitised but wouldn’t call it horrific personally.

Edit: at first viewing, didn’t see the fella being dragged and left down the road. Pretty horrific alright

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Refreshing to see someone admit they missed something. Fair play :+1:

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