The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Hon the bleeding rapids


Great news

Am I the only one who thinks it’s a great idea?

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Looks class

No. IFSC needs a boost. Even pre pandemic it was in a bad way.

Post pandemic it’s like something from I am Legend.


Ireland needs a strong Dublin

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Dublin’s been crying out for a rapid transport system

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About time :clap:

TFK is on board here.

Great news.

Patronising muldoons use to say that about the Dublin football team once upon a time. We learned the cunts.


I genuinely think its a brilliant idea.
Sure we are spending that much per week testing every Tom, Dick and Harry with a sniffle.


I’m only delighted for ye to have some flowing water free of slime to be able to look at. The kids of Dublin will be amazed, ‘why is there no shopping trolly floating on top there daddy?’

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Stall the digger

Here @carryharry

We haven’t been here on a while


I would guess it will be open for less than a day before there is a shopping trolley floating in it


Now thats the Dublin we all know and love


And 3 young fellas inside in it going down the rapids.


Animals. It’s why Dublin shouldn’t get nice things

It’ll be a fantastic attraction for Dublin City centre in fairness, a badly needed alternative to the pub, or whatever pubs will be left, and just in time to pick up the aquatic market from the recently sunk Viking Splash Tours.

All they need now is for @Batigol to start leaving a few auld tourists back into the country.

I am not sure if your are being serious or not Julio, but I am in favour of the concept anyways