The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Christ I love Dublin and everything in it including the muldoon stew

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By begging for charity from the gaa. Why can’t Dubliners achieve anything off their own steam? When the Brits settled the place with soldiers and other throwaways they didn’t send their best.

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What other cities have you lived in long term?



As I thought.

You are going to have to make your posts somewhat coherent if you want anybody to respond to them.

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great news guys, dame st will be cager free

Phew. That will make huge difference as I get a Dublin bike butchered from central bank to Tara st for the last train

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Horrendous news for fingal based van drivers with business around wicklow st. Horrendous.

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Get an electric cargo bike bro

How much stuff can I fit in the back of an electric bike? The Berlingo is generally half to two thirds full.

Sure they only sent five lads with a stick

Since they brought in the one euro deposit you don’t tend to see trolleys outside of supermarkets.

It’s a good idea if they do it properly and allow outdoor cafes, bars and restaurants and it would link two parts of the city. If it’s a bus terminal then not so good. The Luas cuts through there too which is not the best planning if they planned this space

Lady stabbed in neck at 9.30pm Wednesday evening - critical condition. A 14 year old arrested.

Football matches with delivery drivers and inner-city youth have been organised. Mixed team’s where players will get to know each other and hopefully take the heat out of the situation


The dubs would hammer the Brazilian with the handpassing game. They should play soccer altogether to make fair


Be a great idea. We should look at trying something like that with the traveller and the farming community.

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Think there are stats where the police do this in certain parts of Dublin and crime rates drop a lot

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You just need to put a face on the other person. I see it on here, lot of fellas with a hatred for the Gardai because they only see the uniform and not the man or woman wearing it.