The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Yeah definitely. He was acting the pup for
yer man to get involved. But he’s owed a duty of care by lads in orange vests.

I’m on record on here as getting involved
(Stupidly) to stop a young lad getting a hiding
on Harcourt St one night. I’m glad I did it but it was not wisest move

I did it because I’d hope somebody would do it for one of my lads.


The lad in the orange vest nearly punched him out into the train only for the lad who eventually nearly killed him to save him

I don’t know if that guy in the orange vest was with the security orange vests. He looked more like a lad on his way home from a site.


Fair point. The fact his belly is half the size of the rest of the orange vests should have been a clue to me

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Some hiding
The chuckle from the cameraman at the end is chilling

Stupid cunt should have stayed down.

Dublin needs to be defunded

Dublin has Fallen

What dart station was that at?

Just the Southside

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Fucking hell. A lot of decent people would go to Connolly. Something has to be done

“Someday a rain will come”

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I have been told the dart line up by Fairview can be end of days stuff.

Train /dart stations on a nice day are never good places to be

Young gurriers with too much booze on board and a touch of sunstroke are a powder keg

Some lad to take that second last punch and stay standing

You’d want your head examined to be living in Dublin nowadays


Dublin is a hell hole.

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Great fun to be a young guard up there presently tho… Getting free rein to bate the bollix off a load of scobes.