The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)

Fantastic shout from farmer above reminded me of this. Absolutely everything about this song is brilliant, one of the greatest pieces of music to be recorded by an Irish band. Everyone that watches the X-Factor should be sat down and made listen to this song 3 times, Simon Cowell would never be seen again.

Whipping Boy - We don’t need nobody else

Makes you proud to be Irish.

Agreed. One of the few songs out there that sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear it.

And to think it is relatively unheard of outside these shores.

I was reading a review of Heartworm somewhere by an English reviewer couple of years back. He had never heard it before and was amazed how he hadn’t because it was one of the best albums of the 90s in his view.

Pity McKee was such an utter utter cunt. Seen them live a lot in my youth before they broke it with Heartworm. McKee was then and apparently still is a cunt. Most lead singers deserves a slapping of the Turenne sort, but McKee would normally deserve it. Never seen a singer get such a doing in a crowd surfing in my life one night.

McKee was the sole reason Whipping Boy never made it in my opinion, talented, but unwilling to do what it took to make it.

Someone throw up Twinkle there if you’re gonna put up anything of theirs.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Pity McKee was such an utter utter cunt. Seen them live a lot in my youth before they broke it with Heartworm. McKee was then and apparently still is a cunt. Most lead singers deserves a slapping of the Turenne sort, but McKee would normally deserve it. Never seen a singer get such a doing in a crowd surfing in my life one night.

McKee was the sole reason Whipping Boy never made it in my opinion, talented, but unwilling to do what it took to make it.

Someone throw up Twinkle there if you’re gonna put up anything of theirs.[/QUOTE]

McKee always struck me as a dick to be honest as well. but can’t see how you can say the above. The fact that reviewer never heard of Hertworm is hardly McKee’s fault now is it? That album is utterly brilliant and had they been operating in Britain at the time then they would have been huge. Look at that clown Gallagher.

What do you make of Submarine by the way?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]McKee always struck me as a dick to be honest as well. but can’t see how you can say the above. The fact that reviewer never heard of Hertworm is hardly McKee’s fault now is it? That album is utterly brilliant and had they been operating in Britain at the time then they would have been huge. Look at that clown Gallagher.

What do you make of Submarine by the way?[/QUOTE]

I’ll easily say that farmer. He wasn’t willing to play the game. Say what you like about the Gallaghers, but they played the game early doors, gave good press, dont what needed to be done.

If McKee wasn’t willing to promote the album via the press which was intimated at the time, then how the fuck did he think it was going to soar?

You gotta play the game, McKee didnt.

As for submarine, in my youth I thought it was decent, haven’t listened to it in 10 years easily I’d say.

Only know one or 2 Whipping Boy songs myself.
Didn’t that McKee fella always cut himself with a knife onstage at his gigs too or was that another band I’m thinking of?

My Favourite Whipping Boy Song:

Always liked this as well from the Frank & Walters:

[quote=“Pikeman”]Only know one or 2 Whipping Boy songs myself.
Didn’t that McKee fella always cut himself with a knife onstage at his gigs too or was that another band I’m thinking of?[/QUOTE]

No that was him alright, usually a bottle. Saw him stagedive in UCD one night and I’ve never seen a guy eat so much floor in my life, it was a thing of beauty.

Bit of a cliche this but there’s no way Whipping Boy would have been as good as they were if McKee wasn’t that much of a cunt. It’s his obvious anger in his songwriting that makes some of his stuff so excellent. Even that last track on Heartworm, name escapes me, you can hear the anger in his voice but you can also tell just how judgemental the guy is and that’s what makes the songs so brilliant - they’re condemnations of everyone else and they just beg to be listened to.

Not a huge fan of Submarine but it’s a while since I listened to it. The self-titled album is a bit more poppy almost but there’s some decent stuff on it. Pat the Almighty is a cracking tune.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I’ll easily say that farmer. He wasn’t willing to play the game. Say what you like about the Gallaghers, but they played the game early doors, gave good press, dont what needed to be done.

If McKee wasn’t willing to promote the album via the press which was intimated at the time, then how the fuck did he think it was going to soar?

You gotta play the game, McKee didnt.

As for submarine, in my youth I thought it was decent, haven’t listened to it in 10 years easily I’d say.[/QUOTE]

What a load of absolute horse manure.

You are somehow criticising McKee for not playing up to the press, a la the Gallaghers, for Whipping Boy not getting the exposure they warranted!

Here is a thought. Maybe McKee didn’t want to act the bollocks. Maybe McKee didn’t believe that it was worth it and felt that the band’s music was strong enough and spoke for itself without this needless bullshit.

Christ, no wonder there are so many shite bands around because according to you what makes a band big is how they play up to press. Hell - if they don’t play up to the press then there is something wrong with them according to you.

As I said I wouldn’t be McKee’s biggest fan but I respect him for not going down that road.

Went to the reunion gig in the Olympia last year or whatever it is and he was as preachy as ever but he set fire to a Sunday Independent on stage which was a class act. Crowd loved that.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]What a load of absolute horse manure.

You are somehow criticising McKee for not playing up to the press, a la the Gallaghers, for Whipping Boy not getting the exposure they warranted!

Here is a thought. Maybe McKee didn’t want to act the bollocks. Maybe McKee didn’t believe that it was worth it and that his and that the band’s music was strong enough and spoke for itself without this needless bullshit.

Christ, no wonder there are so many shite bands around because according to you what makes a band big is how they play up to press. Hell - if they don’t play up to the press then there is something wrong with them according to you.

As I said I wouldn’t be McKee’s biggest fan but I respect him for not going down that road.[/QUOTE]

Farmer, its all a game. You need to get your music out there. How else are people to get to know you? Music snobbery is all well and good farmer, but you still need to pay the bills.

I;m not saying whore yourself out, but when you come across as a cunt to even NME or Melody Maker Journos, then you’re in bother. They were the likes of WB’s life blood back in that day.

Glen Hansard tells a story about McKee. They worked together washing dishes after McKee had released Heartworm and it went belly up.

Hansard said all McKee wanted to be was famous, that was his thing, he wanted to be the biggest, and the best. When he couldnt be, he went nuts.

Hansard said all he wanted to do was make and play music, hence why he busked so much.

Yep, I have no problem with McKee’s music, like I said, I was a fan, and saw more of their gigs than most on here I’d say. However I firmly believe their lack of success is down to McKee’s unwillingness to play the game in any way shape or form. There’s not many bands that make it without the help of the machine.

Didnt go to that gig, thought about it, but didnt think I could stomach it at this point. I do like the thought of burning the SIndo mind you.

Would love to see this dude live:

[quote=“myboyblue”]Farmer, its all a game. You need to get your music out there. How else are people to get to know you? Music snobbery is all well and good farmer, but you still need to pay the bills.

I;m not saying whore yourself out, but when you come across as a cunt to even NME or Melody Maker Journos, then you’re in bother. They were the likes of WB’s life blood back in that day.

Glen Hansard tells a story about McKee. They worked together washing dishes after McKee had released Heartworm and it went belly up.

Hansard said all McKee wanted to be was famous, that was his thing, he wanted to be the biggest, and the best. When he couldnt be, he went nuts.

Hansard said all he wanted to do was make and play music, hence why he busked so much.[/QUOTE]

Listen, I wouldn’t be a huge fan of McKee, as I said. But Heartworm is a piece of genius.

To criticise McKee, who as Rock said added so much to the album with his awesome lyrics, on the basis that he didn’t promote it properly is a nothing argument and not worth mentioning to be honest. This is a thread about music and that music is simply awesome and all involved deserve immense credit.

As for Glen Hansard - well when he comes up with an album a quarter as good as Heartworm then maybe I will listen to him and his pontificating about his love for music over being famous.


Dylan - Things have changed

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Listen, I wouldn’t be a huge fan of McKee, as I said. But Heartworm is a piece of genius.

We agree on that

To criticise McKee, who as Rock said added so much to the album with his awesome lyrics, on the basis that he didn’t promote it properly is a nothing argument and not worth mentioning to be honest. This is a thread about music and that music is simply awesome and all involved deserve immense credit.

I never dissed McKee’s talent, I just said straight out the gate he was a cunt.

You wondered why a Brit journo had never heard of him, I pointed out that most of Melody Maker, Q, etc all found him to be a cunt when they tried to have dealings with him. Its their job to promote music, if a cunt doesnt want to join in with that, you’ll find most music label will drop him like a stone. Its his fault they never got the credit they deserved.

As for Glen Hansard - well when he comes up with an album a quarter as good as Heartworm then maybe I will listen to him and his pontificating about his love for music over being famous.


I told you a story about a person who knows McKee better than you ever will farmer, no matter how many times you listen to heartworm. Suck it up. His story not diluted by his not producing anything as talented as Heartworm.

Having spoken to both, I know who I’d prefer to have a pint with.