The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)



You wondered why a Brit journo had never heard of him, I pointed out that most of Melody Maker, Q, etc all found him to be a cunt when they tried to have dealings with him. Its their job to promote music, if a cunt doesnt want to join in with that, you’ll find most music label will drop him like a stone. Its his fault they never got the credit they deserved. [/QUOTE]

First of all I would like to know your source on this. Secondly, if a music magazine will not promote somebody due to them being a cunt in dealings then how has Liam Gallagher made it so big. There could be a lot of stuff going on there and no doubt his Irishness may not have helped him terribly.

As I said for you to blame McKee for them not making it big is just ridiculous. He was an integral part in delivering the music which should be the primary factor in all of this. I don’t know if he played the game or not (frankly I don’t care) but I would seriously doubt that the sole reason Melody Maker, Q etc didn’t take to him was due to his manner. Christ, neraly all rock stars are gobshites in one way or another.

This is all irrelevant of course. My original point on the Brit journo was that he was displaying his disbelief that he never heard it before. Cunt or no cunt, the music press has a duty to get good music out there and instead of blaming McKee for ‘not playing the game’ I would blame the press for ‘placing too much emphais on the game’.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I told you a story about a person who knows McKee better than you ever will farmer, no matter how many times you listen to heartworm. Suck it up. His story not diluted by his not producing anything as talented as Heartworm.

Having spoken to both, I know who I’d prefer to have a pint with. [/QUOTE]

I couldn’t care less if McKee only wanted to be famous. I don’t really see the point of the story to be honest but seems to have an undercurrent of Hansard saying that he is a true music fan that plays out of the love of it as opposed to Big Bad McKee using it to get famous.

As I said, good luck to him. But I know who’s music I would rather listen ton and this is the whole point of the discussion is it not?

You have a wonderfully naieve outlook on life farmer. God bless you, I hope it never changes.

Well that’s it then.

You have me tied all ends up.

Who was trying to tie you up?


It’s a figure of speech and well you know it.

Nice side stepping away from the debate though.


It’s a figure of speech and well you know it.

Nice side stepping away from the debate though.[/QUOTE]

What debate is there farmer? You’re like a fella with his fingers in his ears shouting “lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala”

However please feel free to bullet point the questions of this “debate” you wish me to address and I’ll be only too happy to do so.

Go way out of that.

I posted a more than adequate response to you above and you replied with a one liner about me being naive.

You got nothing - fine.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Go way out of that.

I posted a more than adequate response to you above and you replied with a one liner about me being naive.

You got nothing - fine.[/QUOTE]

Farmer, your post was the ravings of a music snob. If you wish to question me on anything, I ask you again to post your question clearly and concisely.

Get out of that. How was it snobbish? But sure throw the stereotype out there in a last attempt to gain some credibility.

You got nothing.

Farmer, just go back and quote it, maybe highlighting the important parts? If you’re curious about my source, I’ll give you a journo in Hot Press magazine, I won’t name her though.

Was there anything else?

[quote=“myboyblue”]Farmer, just go back and quote it, maybe highlighting the important parts? If you’re curious about my source, I’ll give you a journo in Hot Press magazine, I won’t name her though.

Was there anything else?[/QUOTE]

I did that.

You haven’t responded.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I did that.

You haven’t responded.[/QUOTE]

I dont see any highlighted posts from you? Perhaps its my browser, quote it there for me.

To roll back to the bands lack of success being based on their unwillingness to ‘play the game’ with media, is it not the case that they were in fact extremely well revied by all the music press at the time? Would it not be much more the case that they simply weren’t radio friendly enough to get airtime outside of indie music shows, unlike oasis who produced nothing but pop anthems?

Yargh me hargh.

I think Farmer was referring to outside of Ireland and referrng to one journo who had never heard of them. I felt this to be as a result of their and especially McKee’s unwillingness to play the game when it came to the label pushing the record.

The second part of your post does make a whole lot of sense of course, perhaps a lot of people felt McKee was too far buried up his own arse.


The second part of your post does make a whole lot of sense of course, perhaps a lot of people felt McKee was too far buried up his own arse.[/QUOTE]

What part of it can’t you understand? The fact that whipping boy didn’t make ‘for the charts’ commercial sounding music or the fact that oasis did?

[quote=“myboyblue”]I think Farmer was referring to outside of Ireland and referrng to one journo who had never heard of them. I felt this to be as a result of their and especially McKee’s unwillingness to play the game when it came to the label pushing the record.

The second part of your post does make a whole lot of sense of course, perhaps a lot of people felt McKee was too far buried up his own arse.[/QUOTE]

You are still persisting with this!

Listen, rock stars are notorious for being difficult. For you to get the opinion of one selected journalist who didn’t like him and take that as representative of all music journalists is folly in the extreme.

There was another journalist from Hot Press, a guy called Gerry McGovern, who raved on about Heartworm (rightly) but was also got on with the band, including McKee.

I said does make a lot of sense.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]You are still persisting with this!

Listen, rock stars are notorious for being difficult. For you to get the opinion of one selected journalist who didn’t like him and take that as representative of all music journalists is folly in the extreme.

There was another journalist from Hot Press, a guy called Gerry McGovern, who raved on about Heartworm (rightly) but was also got on with the band, including McKee.[/QUOTE]

Rock star? :eek:

Thats being kind.