The Sopranos

It’s not complex enough for me, m8.

A poor mans love hate

He clearly thinks it’s about the mafia — it’s worlds away from Gomorrah, completely different show.

Gomorrah & Sopranos are different TV shows? Incredible insight.

It’s an odd comparison.


Has Lois and Clark been surpassed yet mate?

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No mate.

Tried watching House of Cards recently and thought it was boring shite.

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House of Cards and The Sopranos arent on the same planet mate.

Watch it, you will love it.

I was just watching a few minutes of The Sopranos last night. It is just quality throughout, there is not a moment that’s not interesting in it. The ambition of the writing in it is amazing, so much going on, yet it manages to keep itself compact and easy to understand. I generally think most of what’s on TV is utter shit, but The Sopranos is just pure unadulterated brilliance.


Viva Sopranos!

I doubt there’s a person alive who found Tony’s dream sequences interesting.


On a related note, Alabama 3 playing The Academy tonight. :brendan:


The bulb off his father, this could be promising.
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“Vito Spatafore is an ass muncher”

Vito the nobber

Hard to believe it’s seven years.


I started watching this again recently. It’s a masterpiece. He is missed.