The Stock Market Flutter Thread

Scared the fuck out of everyone sure.
If any market in the world can be propped up by a Government it’s the Chinese one though.

Falling knives…isn’t there a dead cat bounce to look forward to as well?


I’ll add one more cliché, those buying on the dip today are picking up pennies in front of a streamroller.

I don’t think your in any position to add anything further on this thread pal.


Are you a Jim Cramer fan, the asshat that advised everyone that Bear Sterns was just fine a few weeks before it went to zero? Smart money sells at the top and the smart money has been selling for months. The gullible buy the dips at the top and have their heads handed to them, finally selling at the bottom when the pain threshold gets too high. This morning was a portent of things to come, when the computers lose control as they did this AM and the DOW crashed 1100 points, its time to sit on the sidelines. The panic hasn’t even started yet. There will be plenty opportunities to get back in, watch the 3 month return of TLT versus VTI, it switched to treasuries two weeks ago and is the most reliable market timing signal out there.

Somebody needs to start a war somewhrtr. That ll sort it out

I was visiting relatives in 2008 and an amateur “financial advisor” advised me to buy Bank of Ireland. Luckily I ignored his advice. I was at a wedding a few years later and the cunt made a swift exit when he saw me.

If hindsight was foreskin etc

Bet With DBs share price going through the roof


Huzzah. If it wasn’t for woman’s rugby I’d be fucked.

Can anyone give me the dummies’ guide to investing in the NASDAQ? Are there any particular brokers anyone would recommend? Small to medium stakes, and it’d probably be a one-off punt at something i’ve been steered towards.

FAO of @Mac: Before you ask, it will be mostly subbie money I’ll be using. I figured it’d be better me investing it than these apes feeding their families etc.


I use DeGiro online broker. Very easy to set up and very small fees, give access to all the major markets.

If you want to invest easily, a lot of thought these days would be to invest into an ETF. These just track a particular index i.e. US Nasdaq, European Equities, UK banks so without much thought you can invest where you want to.

I would say that equities are priced very high at the moment so it’s hard to see how the market can continue to go up - that being said we’re in a very low interest rate environment so no-one is really sure how it all plays out

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What’s the minimum gamble ? Would a fella have a bit of fun for €500/600

I don’t think there’s a particular minimum - certainly be able to invest for €500 anyway

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Cool. I don’t have the time or interest for the horses these days so might set up an account.
A colleague of mine told me to invest in an Irish Pharma company years ago. His wife worked as a bookkeeper for the ceo or some link like that and he knew that pending results for lab tests were going to be very good for the company.
He bought €4K worth. Sold them less than a year later for €12k.

Fao of @Fagan_ODowd. That DID happen.

If it DID happen it’s insider trading and I wouldn’t be crowing about it on t’internet :grinning:


Yes. I’m aware of that. You’ll notice I didn’t mention said company. I didn’t mention the location of the people involved for that reason.
Your man was telling me he got some looks. Walked into his local AIB branch and said at the counter he’d like to buy €4K worth of ******** pharmaceutical shares please.

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Would you not try spread betting with someone like Plus500 or IG Markets? Essentially the same thing unless you want to be holding onto stock for the long term.

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Not the same thing at all - substantially more risk. Invest in an ETF and you hold an underlying asset - Spread betting and you are just betting on a trend.

Isn’t there some convoluted tax issue with these yokes when you are looking to exit?