I’m on Merrion Square. I’ve the little lad in the car. I’ve run the battery down on the car by leaving the lights on. It’s dead dead dead.
Head around to the 51 pal and wait it out. I’m sure it will all work out in the end.
Don’t even step out of the vehicle or they’ll have you clamped.
I think most insurance companies have a “1 free call out” on the policy, call yours and see*
*this may be a bit late to be useful, sorry.
Shouldn’t have left the lights on mate.
What were the lights doing on in the middle of the day anyway?
being a responsible father and driver
That’s very solid advice.
Ta lads. I’ve retrospectively admonished myself. Unfortunately, i don’t think i gave it due consideration as i was busy congratulated myself on grabbing a couple of salt of the earth tradesmen and sorting it.
Christ don’t get @Rocko started on this.
I know farmer. I’ve been on the receiving end of this before. And look where it got me now.
This would have been a quality course of action. A few scoops and leave Ado to mind the little fella.
It’s a pretty busy time of year but I’ve double booked jobs on myself twice this week. Fucking myself over completely.
Is there anything I can do to help, mate?
Actually, yes. Can you recommend me a good place to stay in Limerick City?
Whats the occasion?
Work. Monday and Tuesday nights next week. Early starts both mornings.
Have you a spare room @ChocolateMice ?
In the city centre I take it? The Strand is nice, food decent and staff are great. Prices can be a tad high tho, but if you’re not picking up the bill… They also do some nice stone baked pizza. The absolute is cheaper but just as nice and the staff are very helpful. I held an event here last year and they were great. I’d plump for the strand just ahead of it but both are within walking distance of the city centre… Come at me if you want something cheaper or in a specific area.
Both good options given from CM, plenty of hotels in Limerick and you’d get a room in the likes of travel lodge if it’s just a bed you’re after for less then 50 euro per night.