The TFK Purge

The time has come…

The level of simpleton posting here has got dangerously high. A purge is urgently required.

@The_Most_Infamous for the fire first. We cannot as a forum any longer tolerate his racist rantings.


nice knowing you @Horsebox

you harmless cunt


@Fran and his bike rack can go and shite also.

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I love you @carryharry, but any fella that needs to edit his post twice shouldn’t be branding other lads simpletons.


He is rattled to within an inch of his life, give him a break, mate.


I’d just like him to get help for his drinking. It’s gotten to a dangerous level. Was he the fella boasting about drink driving too?

It would sicken you to think that quality posters like @Mark_Renton were hounded off the forum yet the current class of simpleton are swanning about the place with their feathers in the air.

We need to sacrifice one of these cunts, the Racist Alcoholic should go first. I pity his wife and kids if he has any.

I believe so.

TFK was built on racist alcoholics


Intelligent Racist Alcoholics.


Hi Harry


Can someone point me to the appropriate thread where the racism took place?

Is that the so called “Pretend IRA”?

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Buff Simpleton thread with the snappy chatty chat talk.

There isnt an original thought in your head…bar your obsession with @The_Most_Infamous

Up your game because,

I’m going fucking nowhere.


The forum will decide mate.

Feel free to nominate your own candidate.

Car sales way down are they?

Tfk does not need a purge
There is a long history of posters who have done the wrong thing honourably resigning from the board and never coming back.