The Thread Mutation Thread

A friendly thread making a simple enquiry of kid chocolate developed into all out war between @Mac[/USER] and @[USER=273]caoimhaoin over jaysus knows what.

The TTK Rugby betting thread is now being treated to talk of a lad having a Joddrell Bank in a peepshow in Melbourne.


[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 832888, member: 706”]A friendly thread making a simple enquiry of kid chocolate developed into all out war between @Mac[/USER] and @[USER=273]caoimhaoin over jaysus knows what.

The TTK Rugby betting thread is now being treated to talk of a lad having a Joddrell Bank in a peepshow in Melbourne.


This is what this site was founded on, pal… Mutants that is. The place is full of them.

It’s tangents like this that are needed. Ttk’s thread was dying a death due to his awful tipping so we have giving him a bit of lift after all the money he is losing.

A thread about runners developed into a nasty war of words about emigrants, the education system and the merits of a day spent working with curry eating Pakistanis in tunnels under London.