The Verruca Thread

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A fucking thread for verrucas now :roll_eyes:




I’m not sure what treatment route to embark on

Cup of cement.

Stay out of that dirty kip of a gym


Are you walking barefoot around the airport these days?

Wear sandals

I dont swim, dont walk anywhere barefoot, dont use the showers at the gym since COVID. No idea how I picked up the fecker.

Left foot, almost an inch below my 4th toe

Best Veruca ever

Cut the fucker out

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Your missus must have verrucas so

Anyone remember those horrific white swimming socks that we’d be forced to wear in the 90s cos some kid in the class probably had a verruca?


Yeah and the freezing cold foot bath of disinfectant on way into pool you’d jump over.

Verruca is a virus. It’s programmed to be invisible to our immune system.

That’s your issue there… I’ve been walking barefoot everywhere for years. Savage tolerance built up

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Soft cunts and their footwear :roll_eyes:

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Salicylic acid, the stronger the better.

Bazooka it


Or her boyfriend

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As @Big_Dan_Campbell said, get Bazooka and you’ll freeze it off in one treatment. Crazy to think that up until a few years ago you had to go to a doctor to get it done.

I heatd theres a nee variant