The waxing lyrical about the issues with the Mayo Footballing Psyche Thread


Tim O Leary is dead fucking right, and fair play to him. The black economy of the gaa is an anachronism and throw back to the days of the kind of nudge nudge wink wink gombeen ism that facilitated the likes of the magdalene laundries.

mulling between

Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt


Qui totum vult totum perdit

This will be the making of us. Mayo for Sam 2020!

O’leary mustn’t do a tap of work

He’s a real Cian O Sullivan alright

Mr. O’Leary also apologised for some of his own his own behaviours during the dispute


Heard an interesting story about a Mayo player who may not be involved this year.

Was he in a bumfucking movie or robbing his neighbours or riding underage girls or faking cancer or in another bumfucking movie?

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ACL for Colm Boyle? Could be the end of the road for him if so.

I see big Aido got a new Audi during the week

'Twould want to be a Q7 to ferry that load around.



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Not every man gets to score the opening point against Dublin in a league game and give it big licks to the home support after. The final result doesn’t matter.

Well deserved.

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Aidan Ò haon dèag?

He’s a hoor for backgammon though…

In other news I see that perennial runner-up, Alan Dillon is bidding for a Dáil seat. Be gas if he came close but failed to make it. You’d nearly say if he had ducks they’d drown.
An assortment of gimps contesting in Mayo, Ring, Calleary and Mulherin being the most notable.
Nally would have had a good shot at it a few years ago in fairness.


Come on…