🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

It’s only beginning to rain in the last half an hour or so.

I went out pucking a ball agin a wall there. I got soaked.

A glorious morning here. I’m on the verge of starting the lawnmower but I’d better not


Fire away. Get the bastards up

Any man still in bed at this hour is at nothing.

Whoever said the forecasts were bad lately was right. Awful squalls and rain showers here in Limerick this morning. None forecast…

We can forget about the outside painting again today I’d say.

Any questions?

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How old are you?

Same here. Text warnings being sent out about storms of hail and the sun splitting the rocks.

Jesus look at her wan in rte 1

The fucking day doesn’t know what to do with itself around here

Four seasons in a day, as they say about Melbourne.

It’s made up it’s mind in Limerick anyway, rain and wind all day

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Are the townies still banned from watering their lawns?

I think the sky is looking after that for them.

A cool enough start for the glorious 12th. Think I’ll wear an orange jumper rather than a sash today.

You’re a good man Mike, respectful to all

It was on a dreary New Year’s Eve…

Was it this wan? :yum:

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