🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Tis dull and dreary as fuck here today

giphy (20)

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@TreatyStones What’s your opinion on Ellen? Will I bring in the barbecue and garden furniture?

winds up to 180km?? What’s the path of this thing? any good live trackers?

The models are still not in agreement but at the moment this looks like it has the potential to be a very serious event. Cork/Waterford could get the brunt of it depending on exactly how it tracks. Last night it was more south/west but this morning its looking more South/East.

More details to follow once I get out of bed


What time is throw in?

Ruh roh … looks like i’m in the firing line here. Could it affect my internet connection?

Around midnight

I heard high winds spreads the virus. Where’s the ban hammer for storms?

Would you say a fella due to be in DUB all night would be safer at home in BED?

Unless you are standing outside on the tarmac you’ll be fine.

All 4 seasons here today

Tuesday shaping up to be another cunt of a day

2020 is the year that keeps on giving.

I’m supposed to be going for pints and a €9 meal for the first time then. There were talks of ‘outdoors’

Tuesday is wrote off, stay at home stuff.

It will be more of a southerly event, if you are in the general dundalk area it won’t be any more than a "dirty day "

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Cork again?

Is it an early in the day event? I’ve dinner booked on the WAW at 6pm , am I facing disruption or cancellation.

Midnight tonight till 6am will see the worst of it