🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

It rained like the end of days here yesterday.

16 degrees at 9.30 in the capital. Unseasonably mild.

I hope ye have trampolines tied down. Its going to get very wild along the west coast tonight/tomorrow morning

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I’m losing confidence in the appointed meteorologist, alerting lads at this hour and half the hoors in bed.


He’s worse than Boris

You did not get the WhatsApp?

That system has tracked a lot closer than Met Éireann seemed to think it would?

Some nasty gusts already up here.

I bought a chape chainsaw off eBay. Bring. It. On.

No. I left my phone in the pub earlier.

Stop going over the border for pints

A great call from me to avoid needlessly panicking the forum.

Today is a serious cunt of a today. Worse here than it was yesterday.

Unreal foresight. I propose you be retained until there’s a notable stretch to the evenings.
You’ll have a few opportunities to permanently lock down the job. So you will.

Some cunt of a day now

Have some of that you cants.

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It’s a rale stay-the-fuck indoors day today.

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Monsoon season has commenced here in south east Fingal

Grand soft evening

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This winter of wind can fuck right off.

Forecast for next week is not good either.

Soft morning in the midlands

It’s absolutely pissing down all morning in mid mid west Limerick. I’ve an auld byre to start for the brother in law but I won’t get it started today.