🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Just kicking off here. Fire blazing. Dinner on. Fuck it.

and a glass of beer?

Later. Christmas tree going up

enjoy it mate

you’ve had a hectiv week with work and a hell of 18 months with the crash and the cancer - you deserve it

Hail Hail & Keep on Hooping



Went for a little walk there down to the Cross. Beautiful morning.

Tis wet n windy. Stay in the bed lads

No cold in it though

Tis fierce mild

Had to go get a voucher from a hairdresser there (the furthest one from the house that also has the most awkward parking, naturally) and I’m after getting soaked. Very rough day in D7

It’s Baltic out and blowing a fucking gaol

What are you getting done pal?

For all their weather warnings today has been the worst day in N Cork this winter. Torrential rain for hours and savage winds. Horrendous shite

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Roads are in some state. N24 was blocked earlier after an accident so took a tactical detour coming out of the Mid-West capital this evening. You’d be surging through ponds and praying there wasn’t a huge pothole round the corner, waiting to capsize you.

People can blame the weather & road conditions etc ref Crashes this time of year.
All bollocks imo, Tailgating is rampant and fucking deadly. It’s fucking astounding how people can drive at such speeds so close to other motorist while having no issues texting or checking their phones.


Lads on TFK and atein a chicken roll while zipping down the m7

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As Bernie Ecclestone once said about the tracks on the F1 calendar: “The circuits are all perfectly safe - until the drivers get there.”


There’d be no accidents if twas just me on the roads

Passed an accident earlier where a car seemed to have driven straight into the roundabout in Clarina. Must have been paying no attention, front of the car was in shit where he went into some signage.

Tis wild out this morning. Big tide incoming too I’d say.

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Did the prisoners escape ?