🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

Wont pick up there until around midday

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Tis windy alright lads

Im outside @anon61878697’s gaff. It’s wet alright but no real wind.

Call in for a cuppa … you can walk Brady for me.

It’s bucketing down alright — a little bit f sleet falling with it.

No can do. Doing laps of Douglas in the berlingo at the moment. Centre doesnt look like it’s reopening anytime soon.


They gave a summer date but i’ll be surprised … tho i think the post office on the ground floor is open again so who knows.

Great Burritos in back Douglas for your lunch. La Calavera.

May check it out. Will be pushed for time for lunch.

Nothing worth talking about here, back to bed now until 4.


Severe day.

80knot gust - be the fuck ex hurricaine orphelia was 85 or so i think

May the Lord have mercy on us all.

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Peaked in Limerick. The storm is over.

Just starting in Cork - expecting 273 deaths.

eddie’s Orphelia update from his kitchen was a classic


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not as dramatic today

Wind picking up in the capital now.

I just put my finger out the window there … reaching 65 knots now out there.

50 dead in Bantry

You’ll have people complaining because no one has died yet.