The Weather Thread

Crashes are rarer on the motorway but when they happen they are generally worse due to the speed. This one happened at 5am. She or one of the trucks could possibly have had a blow out and gone into the others path.

Possible, but blowouts are very rare. Based on nothing but opinion, I would reckon that many more accidents are due to fuck acting than blow outs. Can anyone confirm?

Depends what you define as fuck acting you self righteous prick.


Can anyone confirm your factless opinion? What kind of clown are you?

Live report

M7 was a cruise until junction 8. Now a carpark

Speeding, dangerous overtaking or over taking on the inside, or just taking eyes off the road. Why does that make me a self righteous prick? Or are we just talking in general, in which case carry on.

You’ll do well to get to Dublin by lunchtime.

You shouldn’t have stopped in Junction 14 for chips you fucking roaster


I can see the insurance forms now:

Cause of accident: Fuck acting.


You would be better off turning round and heading home.

According to the AA there are four main causes of motorway accidents. None of them are blow out tyres and all of them fit into the broader category of fuck acting. Shove that up yer holes @Mac and @TreatyStones.

There are four main causes of motorway accidents: driving too fast for the prevailing weather conditions, faulty observation or anticipation, driving too close to the vehicle in front and driver fatigue.

Live update

Slow traffic at junction 5 but moving on now.

Looking more positive

Did not stop so looking forward to mug of tae and a roll in the cafeteria

@glasagusban would this be catagorised as fuck acting

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Take your clamping and move on.

I sometimes wonder if you understand how the real world works at all.


TFK is not the real world Har

Live report

We have arrived at destination and parked up.


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Walked into work today after the gym so had that horrific combination of rain and sweat. Shirt was stuck to me like an absolute roaster. Brightening up a bit now in the capital though.

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Why didn’t you shower after the workout you animal?

Shower? What do you mean?

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