The Weather Thread


Hold tough, some of the latest charts show it might melt quickly Friday morning

Beast from the east :smile:

I’ve heard the Beasht from the Easht had a mental breakdown.

Kiely strikes again.

The risk of getting stranded in a UK airport Friday night needs to be below 12%

You’ll be fine… there’s nothing of note gonna happen.

Welcome to the forum, Robert.


The situation is clearly fluid

End of days out there. Shelves are empty.

its fascinating how the oirish shit themselves at the hint of bad weather


Has it been downgraded?

Thanks, mate.

No. Don’t mind them cunts.
The man tells them to turn up at work and they run in like little lambs, theyll be sick if some of us get a day off while they’re ordered to attend.
Their hard man act is only for the internet.
Shower of fucking jellyfish.


Enjoy dem snow days so :snowflake:

Fingers crossed.

I have to have 6 calves tagged before ye cunts disrupt my days work :smiling_imp:


Robert Emmet’s pretend ghost has been around for a decade.

You english seem to be doing a good job of shitting it yourselves.

Yep, went to 2 supermarkets, not a loaf of bread to be found