The Weather Thread

It’s nearly too warm in Dublin*

*the relatively high dew point is the issue i think

We could do with a drop of rain in the Northeast Southwest being a largely limestone area. Not a drop seen in 11 days. #PrayForRain.


Horrible, clammy day. Had a half day so strolled down to see the tall ships. Was drizzling most of the time and the heat was poxy. I hate days like that.


I hate this fucking weather. You should’ve felt my balls today. So clammy.

Thanks for sharing that

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Ah thanks :sweat_drops:


That drop of rain was badly needed all the same

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No rain on the peninsula yet guys.

I’m heading across the border later where we will surely encounter a drop

Forecast for another week niw. It is some run of high pressure

Is that the exact centre of the country?

West Limerick

It’ll bulk up the Silage ground lovely.

There’s a lot of thunder in the air in Galway but no rain. I think it may have something do with the Saudi takeover.

Its pissing rain on the east side

There’s evil in the air and there’s thunder in sky
And a killer’s on the bloodshot streets

Oh and down in the tunnel where the deadly are rising
Oh I swear I saw sidney down in the gutter
He was starting to foam in the heat

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But I won’t do that.

So I wont

Absolutely pissing rain in Charleville at the moment. Few pubs on Main Street got flooded.

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How the fuck is that possible, would it not run off down towards the factory on the Kilmallock Rd?