The weird cult of Anti-Wokism

Western civilisation is eating itself, and the biggest eaters by far are the depraved anti-woke cult.

Mary Whitehouse would be proud of this one.

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This will please those who are anti-ā€œwokeā€. Itā€™ll please them a lot.

Itā€™s a daft move. Same mindset as framed the trans policy of LGFA. career GAA administrators

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These anti woke bastards

The Trumpists really do hate the gays and the Ukrainians. I can see that meme of Putin nodding along with a satisfied look on his face, the one Fluvio used to post a lot.

This is very weird by mcgurk. Hes calling out the journal when their article is 100pc correct and so easily verifiable as thereā€™s video. It was reported all over that Leo said trans women shouldnā€™t be in female prisons. When actually the question was should ā€˜violent trans womenā€™ be in female prisons. The journal is right mcgurk is wrong the video proves it and heā€™s asking people to look at the video. :person_shrugging:t2:
I actually think the whole trans thing is mental and canā€™t get my head round it but thatā€™s neither here nor there

The whole anti-trans thing is nuts. An anti-trans demagogue named Kellie-Jay Keen, who calls herself ā€œPosie Parkerā€, has been on tour in Australia and New Zealand. Sheā€™s attracting literal Nazis to her rallies, as seen here in Melbourne. Not unreasonably, normal people have recoiled against this and protested to get her Nazi-attracting rallies stopped. Of course the likes of McGuirk, as well as the usual suspects such as David Quinn, Eilis Oā€™Hanlon and the anti-trans movement in general have rowed in behind the woman who is attracting actual Nazis to her demonstrations. Keen also preaches that girls under the age of 16 should have no right to an abortion. I said last summer that the anti-trans movement was a trojan horse for forcing raped girls to give birth and was laughed at. Yet here is the hero of the international anti-trans movement, attracting Nazis and preaching for the denial of abortion rights to raped girls, and being widely supported by the anti-woke headbangers. This is the true face of the anti-trans cult.

Here it is, the actual anti-trans manifesto: ā€œAnnihilate womenā€.

This manifesto is supported by Eilis Oā€™Hanlon, Mary Kenny, John McGuirk, David Quinn and the professional anti-trans cult internationally.

And the Peter Shilton playing in goal for Kilkenny hurlers. And Peter Shilton.

And Poser Parky.

Iā€™m not sure what universe Kevin lives in, but sure as shit isnā€™t this one.

Hereā€™s how Kevin describes himself:
Anti-woke, anti-gender ideology, anti-trans activism but not anti-transgender, pro-science & biology, pro-truth & honesty, pro-free speech

This is why satire is now impossible.

ā€œStop asking questions!ā€ :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Itā€™s actually full on mad that the likes of Eilis Oā€™Hanlon, David Quinn and John McGuirk have adopted this Kellie-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker character as a cause celebre. This would be the same Posie Parker who used a Nazi Barbie as a profile picture and has actual Nazis turn up to her rallies.

The logical endpoint of all this stuff gets more and more obvious.


The right get the nazi barbies, the left get the fatty barbies

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The Guardian has to go

Our descendents will have to apologise for our links to the Liberian lithium mining slave trade

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The new, entirely serious line from the anti-woke headbangers is that Gavan Reilly and Shane Hannon support the murders of gay men.


Iā€™ve said for a long time that the anti-trans movement is a trojan horse for the far right.

Hereā€™s your proof.

Could you offer some proof that youā€™ve ā€œbeen saying this for a long timeā€?