The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Humble bragging


We had two such managers off for most of the summer. Some useless cunt called Mike and two interns left to cover. I dunno how we did it without them.

This bloody AI is allowing the young folk to get answers to problems without relying on the “corporate memory” of us veteran middle managers. A scourge

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I’ve cringed in the past at the banter of TV reporters/presenters/pundits revealing on their socials what they were wearing that wasn’t visible in the camera shot. Oh look, I’m wearing runners and shorts behind this desk I’m sitting at & you can only see my shirt & tie. Ha ha ha. However, it’s just dawned on me I’ve a couple of MEN’S jumpers close to hand to throw on if I’m going on a Teams call with external sorts.

One other thing that’s occupying me lately is a chap I deal with who’s incredibly anal about being taken off email distribution lists. You know you might be copied on an email & it doesn’t really impact you so you delete it & get on with your day. And people aren’t necessarily being dicks by including a group on emails, just keeping folk informed & with some people coming & going on holidays, moving between projects etc. This lad is constantly replying to all with formal requests like “please take me off the distribution list for any emails in relation to this topic for the 2-week period commencing 23 September - you may add me back in after this as I will be assigned to this workstream again at that point” etc etc even though there may only be around 3 applicable emails during the timeframe. So I’ve made it my business to copy him on a load of unrelated stuff too. These are the little things that get me through the working day.


what an oddball

Passive aggressive email battles between lads who’d wouldn’t say boo to a goose.


what a self important dick

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Might start cc’ing @Bandage in unrelated posts


Imagine expecting other people to keep track of when you are and aren’t in the office.

He just needs to do what an old boss told me when he comes back from holidays - filter your emails by sender and delete all the ones from people who can’t get you fired


Or mark all as read. If it’s really important they’ll ask again

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and the cunts who put a read receipt on them. Don’t see that too often though.


I got one of those this morning.

It was a reference request from a competitor for one of our better customers.

Like. WTF?


The cunt!!! He wanted to know you were aware he was robbing your customer?!

I have 15k unread messages. I’m grunt so if it’s important someone will tell me.


I think your problem, Mike, if it’s even a problem, is that you take on too much & really invest every ounce of your being into the daily grind at work. You’re so caught up in doing things & being the best you can be, honing your craft & generally excelling that it’s only natural that basic admin tasks like reading emails fall by the wayside.