The Wire

Thinking of breaking out the box sets and starting from scratch. Iā€™ve had an eight year break since finishing it, so think itā€™s time

I know a guy who is a public defender in Baltimore. He is of the view that the cops treatment of young black teens is worse than ever. He Is involved in a project to make it illegal for cops to cuff teens for non violent offences. Said studies prove that once kids have been cuffed once all respect for police and authority starts to die and itā€™s a self fulfilling prophesy from there.

Job sounds like hell to me but he likes it

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The judicial system in this country is also v prejudiced mate.

More often than not your address dictates how youā€™re dealt with, particularly if youā€™re a young lad.

A middle class kid caught dealing drugs has a far better chance of a 2nd chance than a kid from a less affluent background.

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Started the re-watch last night. Been meaning to for a while.
Landsman :laughing:
Has to be the jolliest tv character ever. He loves thā€™oul craic



Bunk has surely the best one liners of all time

This scene is brilliant :laughing:


Listen to me, you fuck. You did a lot of shit here. You played a lot of fucking cards. And you made a lot of fucking people do a lot of fucking things they didnā€™t want to do. This is true. We both know this is true. You, McNulty, are a gaping asshole. We both know this. Fuck if everybody in CID doesnā€™t know it. But fuck if Iā€™m gonna stand here and say you did a single fucking thing to get a police shot. You did not do this, you fucking hear me? This is not on you. (McNulty shakes his head) No it isnā€™t, asshole. Believe it or not, everything isnā€™t about you. And the motherfucker saying this, he hates your guts, McNulty. So you know if it was on you, Iā€™d be the son of a bitch to say so. Shit went bad. She took two for the company. Thatā€™s the only lesson here.


Your still going to the boat mindā€¦

I started rewatching The Wire again with Mrs Donovan whoā€™s never watched it, excellent show

I only finished it again recently, though I didnā€™t watch season 5. I like to pretend it never happened. There are very few shows Iā€™ve ever watched back again, but I must have watched the Wire through 4 or 5 times at this stage.


When you watch it back, you really spot some of the genius dialogue/ subtle themes that you missed the first time round.

Same with the Sopranos for meā€¦really good television.


Like Rawls drinking in the gay bar.

They lifted that from the guardian without any edit.

Hard to believe itā€™s ten years? Still the grand daddy of the tv age when mass/binge episode watching became a thing. The Wire is still the greatest imo

Chalk and cheese - but iā€™d have the Sopranos slightly aheadā€¦ The Wire was saying far more and delivering a message - but for entertainment value, the character development in The Sopranos was top class.

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Never got past series 3 of the Sopranoā€™s.

Go back and give it a go. Itā€™s great entertainment.

Sopranos was funnier and was fantastic too.There were too many poor threads though for me to better the wire.