The Wire


McNulty is goin undercover to a brothel.He picks the name James Cromwell as his alias.



Anybody watched the We own the city series yet? Any good?

I got reconvened by a friend the other day

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Itā€™s fantastic. The 6 eps fly by.

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Itā€™s good. Fell just short of being excellent but deffo worth a watch.

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Watched a few episodes of the first season of the Wire at the weekend. So good.

Thereā€™s a great, underrated scene when theyā€™re investigating Kimaā€™s shooting; Freamon has used the wire tap to identify that Stringer has been rang from a payphone after the shooting and lifts Little Manā€™s prints from a Coke can. Norris is impressed and asks who Freamon is and Bunk & Landsman are basically pissing themselves laughing, hiding behind their notesā€¦ itā€™s just really good physical acting.

FREAMON: Print hit. Wynton ā€œLittle Manā€ Rice, enforcer in the two-two-one, a definite connect to Barksdaleā€™s world.

LANDSMAN: Print hit? Print hit from what?

FREAMON: Soda can. Dropped at the pay phone at Park Heights and Belvedere. Still had a little fizz in it when i got there.

LANDSMAN: What the fuck is this pay phone at Park Heights and Belvedere?

FREAMON: Itā€™s a phone from which some motherfucker paged Stringer Bell 20 minutes after the shooting. I dusted the phone, too, but it was smudged.

LANDSMAN: So, we got a Barksdale pro in the northwest, ringing up the boss minutes after the deed. So much for the amateur-hour theory.

NORRIS: Good pull. You are?

FREAMON: Freamon, Lester Freamon.

NORRIS: Where you workinā€™?

FREAMON: Pawn shop unit.



Does Bang have it?


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The reactions after he says pawn shop unit are brilliant too.

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13 years and 4 months

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Only ever watched two seasons of the wire. On season 3 the past few days. Itā€™s good

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3 and 4 are outstanding given how great 1 and 2 are.

I saw something recently that said that season 4 of The Wire is the highest rated TV series season of all time.

Itā€™s hard to argue with that.


Your man who was Jay Landsman in The Wire is half the size he used to be

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I watched the very last episode last night.


Three and four are the greatest series in TV history, along with true detective season 1 and band of brothers