The Wishing You A Merry Christmas Thread - aka The Nice Post Thread

Decent copy and paste job there @Rintintin :smiley:

Many happy returns @Rintintin

Happy Christmas to you and all the tin tins.

Started the Christmas shopping 53 minutes ago and I’m 90% done. Unreal.

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Just completed mine there a while ago. Five mins job in and out of TK Maxx. Job is Oxo as the man says.

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It’s great being a man with a focus… It takes women 6 months to buy nothing.

Happy Christmas @Rintintin. Hope all is well. I do miss our drunken arguments on here :sweat_smile:

Merry Christmas, mate. :+1:

53 minutes between TFK, amazon and ann summers.

well done, I’m sure mrs Sullivan will be impressed

It’s not Christmas until that post is made.


All the best @Rintintin


Merry Christmas to all, even the West Limerick boys who could not hurl spuds to ducks

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Jeepers no happy Christmas to applebumbled, and all the time he spends on here. He’ll take that very personal cc @Chucks_Nwoko

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Happy Christmas. I’m going through a savage bad patch at the moment. I’m trying to pull myself out of it. I drank 15-20 pints of strongbow at the Christmas party on Tuesday. My fucking nerves are destroyed. I’m actually shaking with the last 2 days. It’s a mug’s game


And shtuck on a plane on the tarmac in Gatwick to boot. Hopefully they let ye off to stretch the auld legs for a bit.

Will you have a go at the whiskey in 2019 for a month o r two?

I have decided to go back to AA.


You’re dead right. The RAC are only royalist cunts.


Happy Christmas @Rintintin, and everyone else on the list.
Who knows, this may be the year.

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I gave the young fella his middle name in your honour, pal.

Looking forward to catching up over the next couple of weeks.

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