The Wrath of Castile

Unfortunately @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was on the money a few years back when he urged vigilance in the event of Castile having her powers checked. Long a supporter of Catalan autonomy and basque independence @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy saw the Iberian peninsula for what it was - a shaky collection of states and peoples kept in check by the nefarious powers of the kingdom of Castile.
‘Beware a scorned Castile’ he would often caution. ‘She cannot allow the kingdom of Spain to come unstuck- she won’t allow it’ he would muse time and again.
We are now witnessing the bitter harvest of the Wrath of Castile and for once I lament TSG’s penchant for alarmingly accurate geo-political predictions on the Iberian peninsula.


If this had happened in the US a nut job cop would have just shot Castile dead.