The Writers strike in America

Game over

That makes a balls of a planned trip to Prague now :man_facepalming:t2:

Hon Fran

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Iā€™d never really thought about that reruns thing and no such thing as reruns on a stream.

Basically greedy cunts, being greedy cunts. Capitalism will eat itself.

I knew a yank once who was in a few movies, ads and stuff as a kid. All bit part things. But he used to get a cheque for in and around $30 every couple of months or so. Iā€™d imagine the cheques would be very meaningful if you had any sort of a decent part.

I have about 5 years worth of shit to catch up on, so a writers strike wonā€™t affect my life much.

But solidarity to them none the less

And if you think they were bad in 1983; while pay, etc. might theoretically be better now - the lengths they will go to not pay out are even higher now.

It does have a knock-on effect on quality imo.

If actors do strike en masse, surely they will have them backed into a corner.

Thereā€™s a chance that theyā€™ll move production south of the border beyond the powers of the SAG/Writers Guild bloc, but dunno how long that could be sustainable.

John Cusack firing out a load of interesting tweets today

poor timing, cops on LI just nabbed a serial killer
trad media switching to turbo mode - no creative writing needed

Would you trust an almost 60 year old Architect who called this home?


is he a SAG member?

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