The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

here you go @TreatyStones


State of emergency declared in US.
Foreign nationals who traveled to China in the past 14 days will be denied entry.

A complete over reaction

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It’s like a foreign country.

A nice distraction for the Don

We had an employee returning from China Monday past. He’s been advised to stay at home for 2 weeks. Useless fucker, won’t be missed. 0


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You’ve staked your reputation here on a global pandemic

It’s a one way bet. If I am right nobody will be here to care.

The bus driver seems non plussed.

He doesn’t seem that surprised

This is Orwellian. Talk about a surveillance state.

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The young chap at the end shit his togs in a big way… The Mongolian laughed the drone off like it was candid camera.

But a sneaky glimpse into the future of humanity…

How long before the Chinese start mircochipping people?

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Sure we’re all chipped already.

Technically true… The Chinese will be reading people’s minds in 50 years. You could be locked up for even thinking of cutting a person’s (let’s call them Leo) head clean off.

Ireland have six hospital beds put aside for this :grin:

Beds or trolleys?