The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You think I’d pluck a story like that out of thin air ffs

I for one welcome all these headlines, as of Monday night SF have had 6000 new party members sign up since the election… At 10euro a pop also… Making us not only more popular, but richer.

I’ve heard some reports. Not good, he’s been around

hes terminally unfunny anway


The Mid West is about to get shut down.

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9 staff sent home from Regional and one doctor has been put in temporary isolation in there this morning while he gets tested, are the latest rumours.

ED was closed last night and no patients taken in (although that’s normal enough for them) and the place deep cleaned. Staff have been warned, and a big meeting currently taking place as to what the fuck they’ll do now.

Shit just got serious

It must kill lads to see this fizzling out so quickly.

cc: of @anon60384913

It’s fizzled out. It’s just a bad flu.

I’m going to self isolate in the LIT GG on Saturday night. Going to sit at least a meter away from any midwesterners.


There isn’t a virus alive that will survive the Mackey stand at night


I’m going to wear gloves and a scarf over my facemask just in case.

Do tell us where you will be overnighting in town and we can recommend pubs and ating houses

All these yuppy activities like skiing and rugby will lead to the deaths of thousands.


I’m literally doing Trojan work outside of my allotted breaks

The skiers are the Trojan Horse

so the alloted breaks are our achilles heel?