The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Except that time you got a severe hiding from the patrons of the Steering Wheel pub


The lad sitting across from me in work has been instructed to stay at home after collecting a relative from CUH yesterday.


You’re a good a dead bro.

Can everyone just relax and watch this please.


If you are to go that obscure we may as well shut down.


You dirt-eating piece of slime! You scum-sucking pig! You son of a motherless goat!

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I’d say that whale would love a bit of Gojira.

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You’ll do anything for 2 weeks off work at this stage.

It’s no good to me sure, I can work from home when I want and sure I do fuck all anyway


I just sneezed into my arm/elbow and then wiped it off the desk — that’s what they want, right?

Was it your desk?


You’re a-one so.

I’m just writing my will now.

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Its too late for that, you’re already infected and the will would be easily contested. Just go blow it all on blow.

“I leave approx. 100k Funfair coins in crypto wallet. They are worth fuck all now but In years to come they could be worth millions. In the left pocket of my good jacket there is a Lucky 15 slip for Cheltenham. Keep an eye on the results to find out how much this is worth. If any romanians come knocking on the door tell them I’ve passed on and have spent their money on cider.”


Only a matter of time before panic stations and they shut the country down for two weeks IMO - schools, universities, big sporting events etc.

Send me the codes for safekeeping