The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said: “We have been looking at this right from the outset with very sophisticated mathematical modelling, and we are confident of refining the death rate, the mortality rate, down, and we really think 1% is probably the most accurate figure at the moment … It may be lower.”

Trump on the ball again

There’s a movement coach down there prescribing fennel tea for anyone showing symptoms. If he can cure cancer…

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I’m taking a number of people with me, but this will surprise few I imagine.


  • No shifting Chinese or Italian young ones
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Yeah I’ve been swiping left on those.

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Well, that’s cheered me up for some reason. :+1:

Works for tj

Norway is gone as well lads

Meeting called for 12:30 in my workplace regarding COVID-19 :worried:

I’ll have to stay on past my usual home time of 12:00 :cold_sweat:

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Youghal Partick’s day parade CANCELLED!


Kind of ironic that he is in a picture with 2 frail looking elderly people.

It’d make make you wonder about this forum that it took so long for this to be noted by anybody. I was holding off, seeing how long it would take.

It was almost like a parody from Le Tissier.

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Venezuelan, at least make it somewhat realistic.

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Now is not the time to remain calm — if you know someone in isolation or if you’ve even just heard a rumour that someone has been asked to self isolate, then burn the bastards out of their homes and stone them to death. We can apologize in a few months when it all blows over but the best approach for now is to shoot first and ask questions never… We can build a nice monument to the dead in a couple of years and spout the usual false nonsense of never forgetting their sacrifice etc. etc.


We ll see if he updates his profile photo over the coming weeks…Then there was one type theme…

A wan on radio wan last night said, before a pandemic everything you do looks over the top, afterwards it will look like you didn’t do near enough.

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That’s why we have to throw all reason out the windy here and wipe these super spreaders out.

Ye could drag them out to a cowshed and beat them to death with Iron bars. In time claim they were criminals anyway.