The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Where would I get a cowshed ? Dont be so stupid.

Informers for the virus. They were telling them where the old people lived

Would you know anyone who could carry out these sort of, lets call them, punishment beatings?

American right-wing ideology is a mental illness.

Very like fascism.

The plastic bag over the head is ineffective so

If heā€™d stop cutting holes in them they would be far more effective.

Bullet points:

There are two types of the virus ā€“ the S type and the L type ā€“ the L type is more transmissable and more severe than the S type, but internationally outside of China, the S type seems to be more prevalent ā€“ the L type was quite well contained through human intervention by China.

But if there is not lockdown internationally like the Chinese have had, the L type may become more prevalent than the S type.

It is possible to be infected with both, one patient in the US tested positive for both. It is currently unclear if catching both strains at the same time will make you sicker than just having one strain.

We donā€™t yet know if recovery fom one strain of the virus provides immunity to one strain or either strain of the virus or if so how significant and long lasting it is.

It is felt likely that one vaccine will work for both strains when it becomes available in 2021. But early 2021 would be ā€œmiraculously quickā€ for a vaccine to become available to actually treat people with.

There is a possibility that there will be multiple waves of infection.

We have breached the 100,000 mark.

I have been given the option to work from home.

No thanks boss, Iā€™ll just take the 2 weeks off if thats ok.

Iā€™ll ā€œwork from homeā€ on Monday. I already have the Tuesday to Friday booked off.

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You working in funds?

Senior microbiologist on Sky News just there. Expects it to peak in the UK in the summer before we see it level out anyway. Bye bye Euros

No, heā€™s working in home.

Peak at what level ?
The Chinese have nearly eradicated it already

Managing my own funds is a full time job alright

Tfk exclusive ā€¦Chinatown Dublin aka Parnell street has been shut down.

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Copper pipe is always in funds

Tell us Moore?