The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You can’t spell pandemic without panic.

It’ll be up to @Batigol @ DUB to sentence them to deletion in Buff Egan fashion.


We’ll surely have another few cases confirmed tonight?

I’ve had to pull my Juniors from the first round of the league, just when I had them chomping nicely at the bit too. This year will be a serious test of my man-management skills dealing with a team of half-dead zombies


Is it six o clock they announce? You’d be thinking another 10 or so anyway

You should have told the other side ye were all infected but willing to go ahead with the game. See who blinked first

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Supposedly a bit of bedlam in the Mater at the moment , could be up to 30 positive.

It’ll become the evening virus count , families will huddle around the TV at supper time ; It’ll be the new Glenroe.


The closed-down barracks being commandeered as a local Covid-19 testing centre

Record number on the mainland apparently

I’ve two gas cylinders bought there and the camping stove has been retrieved from the attic. I bought a load of batteries and candles also… I’m flat out getting ahead of this thing.


The whistle at the end :joy:


Does Dunnes sell that uht milk? I’m looking for 2 gallons of it.

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Great to see the regional there on the news… The last time I saw it was 9am on a Sunday morning and I was walking out of it with no shoes and puke all over me.


@Batigol 2 baggage handlers at Heathrow have tested positive for covid-19. You’re dead mate.

Will be closer to 9.

I’ll go with the same as yesterday, 7 new cases

Coronavirus: Substantial increase in Irish cases expected this evening (via @IrishTimes)

Wtf are the IT doing reporting Corona news items when they should be digging for dirt on SF?

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