The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


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Are you new here? You can’t believe a word out of his mouth sure

I wouldn’t even believe that cunt.

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Skyped my buddy Lydon (who is a bona-fide member of the illuminati) today. Obviously the subject of COVID-19 and how to maximise our profits on the markets was discussed. Let’s just say investing in “I survived COVID-19” apparel is not a wise move.


All explainable cases at least.

North italy must be absolutely riddled with it. Everyone who came back from there has it.

hearsay… The mrs just had a client for a fanny wax… The client’s best friend’s boyfriend is in an induced coma with pneumonia and was in the same ward as your man… And they think your man had a visitor in who had been to tenerife recently but id imagine they’d have tracked him down and we’d have heard something by now.

We should be shutting down now.

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If we shut down now we could ride it out. We won’t shut down until community transmission is commonplace by which stage it’s too late as households all infect each other.

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Some lads will be very disappointed with such a low figure


What exactly would ‘shutting down’ entail?

A lot of Kay Burleys on here

Close all theatres, cinemas, shopping centres, canceling sports, concerts, closing schools, colleges, restaurants, bars. For 2 weeks.


According to Leo the scientific advice is that banning flights from Italy will have no impact. Yet people flying in from Italy seem to be the main cause of the Irish cases.


This could finally bankrupt Copper Face Jack’s. In about three years.

What would people do for money and essentials?

It’s not the Italians bringing it back though. You’d have to ban Irish people coming back from Italy. Which is unconstitutional. Even banning Italians is illegal under EU law


You could insist on 2 weeks quarantine