The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

This seems to be a mental prediction!!

Can you throw it up there

Sorry I don’t have access.

Fucks sakes Sid, you’re in no position to lecture posters on the Internet.


Fucking Cork. They’ll do more damage than the Chinese and Italians combined.

Time to build a wall at Charleville for once and for all.


It beggars belief that the DFA haven’t classed Italy as an essential travel only destination.

Especially as I need it to go to that category to get money back on a planned trip that we’re getting very windy about.


It’s an EU thing I’d say.
You can’t take unilateral action against a fellow member maybe.


Once this new Italian law is enacted there will be no flights in or out of the quarantined area

@gilgamboa is this the big news or is there more to come?

What % of front line staff would that equate to.

Some estimates early on said 40%-70% of the global population so it just looks like some journalist has got the calculator out, God bless them.

If 1.9m people get it then 380,000 will need to be hospitalised. :neutral_face:

Fucking EU. Irexit.

Stop travel or quarantine people.

The Mid Ulster football league now impacted. This is now serious business.

Yes. I think it was clear a while ago how serious this was.

Of course that will be split up over time but even a fraction of that would destroy our health system.

It would destroy any health system. There won’t be treatment for people who need it - not just covid 19. It’s why there needs to be a lock down very soon to get ahead of it.

Why wait to impose a quarantine when a quarantine is inevitable.

You seem to be under the impression you’re talking to somebody altogether different to who you’re talking to.

That’s weird.

Too late now mate,oireland will be riddled with it by next week thanks to these uppity cunts and their ski holidays.

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The government proceeding with St Patrick’s Day celebrations is reckless. For us it’s all about how long we can delay the spread to try and keep the health service functioning.

Depends where you are, doesn’t it. I think in most places and to most governments it’s clear how serious it is. In the US it’s “a hoax” and “contained” - at least says Trump.

A contained hoax. I’m not sure how that works. :grin: