The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Half of that in a 3 week period. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Iā€™m officially starting to panic now. Anyone know any shops that still have some bog roll?

Ah itā€™s quite obvious it will be postponed but they do want as many of the tourists to come still.

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This expert needs to shut up and listen to Trump.

True but itā€™s a lever that canā€™t be sustained realistically.

Yep. Public health are following a playbook and figure people would not obey a quarantine now and we could not enforce it. At a critical level most people will stay in i suppose and quarantine easier to enforce

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I had this discussion with a fella today. Tim is right. Quarantine can only be sustained for so long. People will begin to break it themselves if itā€™s too long. And anyone in an unsecure working situation could be absolutely fucked. The plan is to limp along as much as possible before it becomes inevitable. Iā€™d say they might aim for the 2 weeks before and after Easter as they would pose least disruption. Either way we are fucked. No way our health system can deal with those numbers.

How is your work holding up

Fuck the work. The numbers partaking in night time swimming must be at an all time low.

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Hereā€™s a post on Planet Rugby from an Italian, scary stuff

*I live near Milano Italy, I feel well and until now I do not know Personally anyone
who has caught this Covid.

Iā€™m writing this because I think you all should know what is like living in this emergency,
hoping that you will never be in a similar situation.

Hospitals here are more than full, you have to be in trouble with your lungs to get treatment.
If you are over 69 years old youā€™ll be sent back, whatever the symptoms.

My friendā€™s sister works in a public child care studio, the health authority has closed it and added
all the personnel to the intensive care staff, even if they are not properly trained.
She says that what we, common people without medical knowledge, donā€™t understand is that this flu
might not have a really tragic mortal rate, but is really dangerous for those few, old people or not, who develop a pneumonia.
Those 10/15 who develops pneumonia out of 100 Covid affected, need intubation in intensive care for 3 Up to 6 weeks.

This is the real difference between an average flu virus and this Covid: if it affects your lungs only intensive care might save you, drugs alone might not be enough.

Some retirement houses refuse visits from relatives.
Lots of Surgery schedules have been cancelled, only vital ones are performed.

Pubs, Discoteques, museums, cinemas, theatres, sport venues and activities are shut down.
From today some supermarkets let in only small groups of clients to avoid overcrowding.

We have stopped to hug and kiss our friends and relatives when we meet, we Italian tend to hug&kiss a lot so itā€™s surreal.
I have shaken hands with a friend yesterday, we stopped, looked at each other, went straight to the bathroom to wash our hands.

My mother has a cardiopathic disease, we talked an hour ago and decided that we will
not see each other until the emergency is over, since me and my wife both work in Milano,
met thousands of people and we really have a good chance to be affected.

Uh, long post, sorry. I hope Iā€™ve not bored you too much.*

69 year olds being turned away.

Thatā€™s no bad thing, night swimming deserves a quiet night.


Iā€™m not sure all these people understand.

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Certain minds will need to be focused. People not multi tasking because itā€™s someone elseā€™s job will have to go.

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McConkey on RTE Radio earlier:

ā€œThis is a transformation of our society. The best metaphor I can think of is the Spanish Flu mixed up with the Irish Civil War mixed up with the 1929 Stock Market Crash, all together at the same time.ā€

This is an all of society response and it requires an all of government response.

This is going to impact on every government department and every private industry and every citizen here in a very radical way.

Weā€™re in a, to quote the word from Paul Cullen in yesterdayā€™s Irish Times, Coronavirusland, itā€™s a new world that we havenā€™t been in before and we need to start adapting to that reality.

The first thing we need is clear good governance. We need strong effective multi-party, cross party national governmance. Without that, nothing will happen.

5K public sector workers rapidly need to be reallocated to help with contact tracing.

The Chinese have controlled this with basic measures.

Keep the basics going - electricity, water, radio, TV, internet.

Social distancing - radical measures of social distancing.

Contact tracing."

He speculates about 80k deaths in Ireland alone. Median scenario in his view is 20k deaths. Death rate could be 3-4%.

Now you know why we built a town wall.

You know who Iā€™d say is very very very tough work. The head of the INMO, Phil Ni Seaghdha.


Of course this is the town where a woman driving a burning car thinks itā€™s a good idea to head into a multi storey car park.

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pm you cunt