The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Did you ever try and hold in a sneeze?


I wonder is there a problem with a supporters of a certain, obese, orange haired idiot believing propaganda?

Italians…Corruption…Is this another Democrat hoax?

:rofl: Yes , great craic!

Not if theres an angry north Korean holding an assault rifle in your mush

I couldn’t do it in mass, let alone if my life depended on it.

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Broadly tallies with what a pandemic expert was saying in the failing New York Times

First Italian death was Feb 21st

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3rd death in Tanland, Manchester

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This is frightening:

Amen to that.

Yup. Sadly the feedback from the US is equally alarming.

My husband is originally Malaysian Chinese and follows news reports (official and unofficial) from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, fairly closely. He has been talking about this virus since before Christmas. I really only started to pay attention at the end of January when he told me Italy had stopped the flights in from China and apparently they were amongst the first European countries to do so. He reckoned it was already there then. Loads of Chinese nationals in the textiles industry would have travelled there after our Christmas holidays but before Chinese New Year to get deals done.
He thought the same of the UK but that hasn’t materialised as much


I’ve read enough today to think there’s sod all chance of Paddy’s Day activities going ahead and likely GAA matches next weekend. This thing is going to hit critical mass in this country very soon. This week is going to be a game changer.

Three people I knew in their 70s and 80s have died in the last two weeks. I’m afraid there could be quite a few more over the coming weeks and months.

The French and Germans had more cases than Italy at the start of Feb so it must have been lurking in that industry to a significant degree by that time.

Christ, it’s following me around

Announcement on Paddys tomorrow

That’s the real concern for me. Bloody scary stuff.

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You’re patient zero :eek:

You’re a woman?