The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

All well and good keeping schools closed after a good holiday, but supposedly shuttering them can lead to a short term spike as infected kids spend all day with elderly relatives.

Why is the mortality rate in italy running at nearly 5%?
Something not adding up there.

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You’re right. The mortality rate in Iran was thought to be artificially high because they don’t have enough testing kits so numbers were thought to be underrated.
The mortality rate in South Korea is low because their testing is most wide ranging and they are finding almost all the cases.
It is claimed that the testing in Italy is also very wide ranging but the mortality rates are a total outlier.

The Midlands appears to be holding our own so far. Thank fuck for the motorway and the fact that none of you riddled bastards stop here anymore.


They obviously had a few hundred - 1000 (s) of unreported cases over two weeks ago.

Their health service is collapsing now, have a look at the post I put up there above about not looking after over 69 year olds. Also they are very touchy feely and probably have only just copped on the last couple of weeks.

They have an older population than other European countries. Their hospitals seem overrun. A lot more people probably have it than they know about.

The latter two are perfectly transferable to every other country.

At least 1,000 tests carried out and at least 175 staff (UHL + CUH) in isolation.

I reckon it’s been there since mid January and the threat wasn’t taken as seriously as it should have been given the amount of Chinese nationals there in January.
Also public compliance was not what it should have been for the self isolation measures and quarantine was only enforced in a haphazard fashion.

Older population. Suggestions Italian hospital system is not all it should be.

It seems to me Italy was the victim of simple bad luck in having a cluster of the virus earlier than other countries. No other western country would have or has taken the measures needed to contain it. Had there been an early cluster in another country the same thing would have happened. And likely will happen now.

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A friend of mine is a consultant and he is very concerned at this stage. Doesn’t think all that many will die from it but the level of strain it will put on the health service likely to create significant knock on issues for some time to come

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More lies

Carole is a plant

Won’t make any difference to the Irish rugby team at least.

Is Mary Lou not in self isolation as a contact of a contact. Leo cannot bring Covid 19 to the White House.

Woah, lets not be rash here

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Nope, she’s a contact of a contact l

A progressive approach up until the death toll outnumbers confirmed cases of course.