The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

None died from the Coronavirus, I should hasten to add!

I’m brutal lad. Between that and new usernames me head is dizzy from it all

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Woman also has the word man in it

I’ve already made a show of myself. Thanks though

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From elsewhere on the INTERNET:

This is problem here in a nutshell.

Here in a ni an amateur footballer was tested. The results take a few days. In the meantime he played for his local football team in an away match. They travel by car with 3 other people. After the game he stays in the clubhouse and has a few drinks, there is a darts competition so its quite full.

That night the go to one of the biggest abd busiests nightclubs in the country (Kelly’s portrush).

The results come back and he is positive… how many people has he infected since his test?

We dont need to mass panic but for feck sake self quarantine if you might have it.

Hes a young fit lad and will likely be perfectly fine but he could easily be responsible for the deaths of elderly people who will come in contact with unknown transmitters because of his selfishness.

People like that should be charged the same way people with known stds still have unprotected sex.

The story has gone viral on fb in northern ireland here

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I always thought @Midshipman_Asha’s name was an oblique reference to a nightmare about being a victim of Harold Shipman.

It’s hard keep track with all the female contributors

Harsh charging someone for unwittingly passing on the virus. Anyone of the vintage to remember the 80s and AIDS scare? How does this compare for a mere young fella?

It would be harsh. Very harsh. But justice has always been harsh up north.

If there is any suspicion people need to self isolate. Harsh my bollix.


I know a few people self isolating. A pal of mine is back from italy and has an ill family member so gp told him to do it. If you were to abide by the strict instructions it is a fairly grim existence for a few weeks

Anyone coming from affect regions definitely. That doctor in the regional should be struck off but community transmission is harsh considering the slow and little info on contact or potential contact with confirmed cases.

Just wait until its rampant among Brazilians living 10 to a dorm in Crumlin, or even young ones up from the country living three to a bedroom. Pretty difficult to self isolate then.

Limit it to the people you live with then.

People need to take personal responsibility now.

Very true. But those that can self isolate should. Only going to slow it down anyway.

Get a few dvds in.

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It’s not as easy as saying that.

Economic conditions mean many people have to go to work or they’ll starve. Our interconnectedness and the need for many millions of face to face interactions each day for society to function is our greatest weakness in this situation.

The conditions for at least partial societal breakdown exist here.

They do. This is very, very serious. I think it is entirely irresponsible that borders remain open and mass gatherings are allowed to take place.

We need, as a human race, a concerted effort to slow this down.

My beloved grandparents are in their 90s and I’m fucking terrified

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@gilgamboa your big news never materialised.

The latest case in Cork is concerning in that the patient entered the hospital two weeks ago and was being treated for pneumonia.

It sounds very ominous for the other patient in the east who is a critical condition and has a serious underlying illness.

The story was a friend back from Tenerife visited him… Who knows.